Bus Services

  • Tour Bus
  • Charter Bus
  • Casino Line Run
  • We have provided comfortable and safe motor coach services for over 10 years.Our mission is to provide safe, enjoyable, and affordable motor coach transportation in New England and beyond.

Asian Program

Morning Sun Bus is developing new programs for international tourists especially Chinese. The United States and the People’s Republic of China are reciprocally increase the validity of short-term business, tourist, student and exchange visas issued to each other’s citizens. This will bring more and more Chinese tourists to the United States with many opportunities to Morning Sun Bus.

The new program includes:

Summer and winter camps for college and high school students.

Morning Sun Bus is building a partnership with lots of institutions that can creates special summer and winter camps for college and high school students.

Family summer camp

The education system differentiated between China and the United States in attracting more and more Chinese families to visit the United States. Morning Sun creates family summer camps for Chinese who really wants to experience the culture difference and bring diversity education to their children.

Medical tourism

Medical tourism or health tourism is to travel to another country for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. Traditionally, people would travel from less developed countries to major medical centers in highly developed countries for medical treatment that was unavailable in their own communities. The United States has the highest medical care system in the world. Morning Sun is the kind of company which can help international patients. The patient can have a relaxing bus tour after the medical treatment.


Morning Sun與美國多家高等院校和英語培訓機構合作,推出適合不同背景學生的高質量冬令營和夏令營。在美國大學、中學、小學或幼稚園上課,住學校宿舍或寄宿家庭,有專業資格證書的老師上課教你怎樣提高英語,招生辦老師講解申請要求和錄取程式,與常春藤名校的師兄師姐交流申請經驗和在美國學習生活的心得,為將來申請美國名校打好基礎,為自己的人生規劃多一個選擇,為適應將來國際化人才的要求做好準備!


一直想成为孩子最信任的老师,然后用心看很多书,逛很多亲子论坛,咨询很多所谓专家… 不如陪他去一场美国东岸全真课堂体验夏令营!给孩子一次展望世界的机会, 给自己一次完全充电的途径! 遇见不一样的文化语言习惯,体验不一样美国主题课堂,收集不一样的少儿教育信息,捕捉不一样的亲子私房记忆!


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